Partial Lake View

It’s a slow night at Casa Michel. Most of our free time has been spent moving snow and getting the kids ready for bed. I could post another bathtub shot, but even I’m getting tired of those.

Instead, I thought I’d give you a glimpse into my other life, my 9-to-5 life, spent downtown. When I crane my neck and look south out my window, this is what I see. If you look toward the centre-right of the photo, you’ll see a cold and choppy Lake Ontario, with a sliver of Toronto Island behind it.

I spend a lot of time looking out at this view, thinking about what’s beyond the lake (no, not Target… well, OK, yes Target), thinking about summertime trips to Centreville with the kids, and thinking about time spent on another lake, not too far from this one.

The mood at my office isn’t great these days. Management has made some changes that no one seems to be adapting to very well, and that is making for long and stressful days. Looking out at that view takes me, just for a few moments, to some of my favorite places (Target included), and brings a bit of calm to an otherwise chaotic day. Looking out my window, I see home and family and love. In my mind, it’s the best view money can buy.

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